Monday 18 June 2018

World Cup 'safe space' zone for minorities and LGBT community shut down in St Petersburg

Officers stand in front of protesters in a public square in St Petersburg
A prominent group that campaigns against racism and anti-gay abuse in sports has accused Russian authorities of having it evicted from its premises on the eve of the World Cup.
The Fare Network, which helps FIFA and UEFA investigate cases of discriminatory behaviour by fans, had planned to operate "diversity houses" in Moscow and St Petersburg during the World Cup with exhibitions and talks on human rights.
However, the night before the opening, the company renting out the venue on the edge of the fan zone in St Petersburg suddenly pulled out and told the activists they would not be welcome.
"They asked us to leave the place very rudely, switched off the electricity and they explained nothing to us," a local organiser told the BBC.
Fare executive director Piara Powar said FIFA general secretary Fatma Samoura had "made high-level representations on our behalf but to no avail".
Fare said the lease on their part of a St Petersburg building was abruptly cancelled and other tenants were told not to sub-lease space to the group.
"It seems to be clear that the project in St Petersburg has been subject to a political attack of the kind that shows how debates about human rights are curtailed by powerful conservative political forces in Russia," Mr Powar said.
However, Mr Powar said Fare had only "anecdotal evidence" of the city Government's involvement.
"The way in which the Diversity House in St Petersburg has been closed down is familiar to organisations in St Petersburg, they recognise it as the method through which the city authorities shut down activities which do not conform to their political outlook," he said.
"If the local authorities apply the same pressure, we are quite prepared with our local partners to play cat-and-mouse with them until they see the value of what we are trying to do."
are's property was locked inside the premises, which were sub-let from a theatre, but later returned, the organisation said.
Fare has previously worked with a Russian group, the SOVA Centre, to measure the size of Russian soccer's problems with racism, sexism and anti-gay abuse.
The most recent report published last month noted a general decline in incidents, but a rise in racist abuse of players, something which was mirrored in FIFA and UEFA sanctions against Russian teams.
FIFA said it "regrets that the Fare Network had to relocate the diversity house in St Petersburg".
The governing body added that it had been "in close contact with Fare" and "intervened with the authorities of St Petersburg in an attempt to help finding a solution" but did not comment on Fare's accusations against the city.
The local St Petersburg Government did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Fare plans to open its event at new premises elsewhere in St Petersburg.

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